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  • 公司认证: 营业执照已认证
  • 企业性质:其他企业
  • 公司地址: 浙江省 嘉兴 海宁市 马桥街道 经编产业园区经都二路18号6层609室
  • 姓名: 福尔摩斯
  • 认证: 手机已认证 身份证未认证 微信已绑定


    银离子抗菌整理剂 SilverClear

  • 所属行业:纺织 纺织化工助剂 纺织助剂
  • 发布日期:2022-08-16
  • 阅读量:83
  • 价格:面议
  • 产品规格:KG
  • 产品数量:1.00 千克
  • 包装说明:
  • 发货地址:浙江嘉兴海宁市马桥街道  
  • 关键词:银离子抗菌

    银离子抗菌整理剂 SilverClear详细内容




    SilverClear 是以银离子为主要成分的抗菌溶液,目前已被美国环保署(US EPA )认证(注册号;84630-2) ,作用原理为分子释放两种类型的离子,阳性分子可以迅速撕裂细菌的保护壁,较小的银离子随后进入破坏细菌的外膜,扰乱细菌的呼吸系统及破坏细菌的DNA ,经AATCC 100的检测,在经过多达100次洗涤之后,仍具有优异的抗菌、杀菌效果。可广泛应用于棉、涤纶、尼龙、晴纶等织物。





    pH: 2.5-4.0






    1.浸轧及涂层  采用浸轧工艺使用SilverClear , 轧余率在30% - 60%左右。为了获得更好的抗菌效果,建议SilverClear 在最后-槽中加入(烘干前)。用量2%-5% ,如加大该产品用量,抗菌效能及耐洗涤能力也会显蓍提高

    2.喷涂法  SilverClear 可以用稀释液(20%及以上)或原液进行喷涂应用。由于该产品不含任何有害溶剂,所以在准备SiIverClear 工作液或应用时,不需要专门的通风,排气装置。当然 ,必须遵守当地的职业健康要求规定。为了获得更好的抗菌性能, SilverClear 应在最后一步整理中使用。

    3.烘干及烘培  为了获得更好的耐洗性能 ,处理后的织物需要在120℃烘干,然后在170℃ -180℃烘培20秒以上










    1.使用前请搅拌均匀。通过较剧烈的搅拌 或揽拌(涡旋)确保容器底部没有任何沉淀物。可以使用带有 3叶螺旋桨的电动搅拌器以获得良好搅拌效果。尽量避免产生过多泡沫。SilverClear溶液应储存在桶中 ,放置于阴凉干燥的环境里,并避免强紫外线照射。


    Silver Ion Antibaterial

    Finishing Agent

    HOLPOSON® SilverClear

    SilverClear is an antibacterial solution with silver ion as the main component. It has been certified by US EPA (Registration Number: 84630-2) at present. The working principle is as follows: Molecules release two types of ions. Positive molecules can tear the protective wall of bacteria rapidly. The smaller silver ions then enter and destroy the outer membrane of bacteria to destroy the respiratory system and DNA of bacteria, After AATCC 100 detection, more than 99.9% of the bacteria can be eliminated quickly. After up to 100 times of washing, it still has excellent anti-bacteria and sterilization effect. It can be widely used in cotton, polyester, nylon, acrylic and other fabrics.

    Physical & chemical properties:             

    Appearance: Milky white liquid

    Ionicity: Cationic

    pH: 2.5-4.0

    Solubility: Soluble in water

    Compatibility: Good compatibility with resins, adhesives, fluorocarbon water proofing agents and other finishing agents.    



    It can be used after the following sequence of tests:

    1. SilverClear is used for padding and coating, with a liquid rate of 30% - 60%. For the better antibacterial effect, SilverClear is recommended to be added in the last bath (before drying). The dosage is 2% - 5%. If the dosage of the product is increased, the antibacterial effect and washing resistance will also be improved.

    2. Spray method. SilverClear can be applied as a diluted solution (20% or more) or original solution. Since the product does not contain any harmful solvents, there is no need for special ventilation device when preparing SilverClear working solution or during usage. Of course, local occupational health requirements must be observed. In order to obtain the better antibacterial performance, SilverClear should be used in the final finishing step.

    3. Drying and baking in order to obtain the better washing resistance, the treated fabric needs to be dried at 120℃ and then baked at 170℃-180℃ for more than 20 seconds.


    1. Effectively kills bacteria, fungi and molds, so as to keep textiles fresh and odorless.

    2. Does not affect the hand feel and luster of the product.

    3. It is easy to use and can be used with other products without additional processing technology.

    4. Suitable for fiber, yarn knitted/woven fabrics, paper filter materials, woven fabrics, non-woven fabrics.

    5.Registered and certified by EPA.


    1. Stir evenly before use. Make sure that there is no sediment at the bottom of the container by more vigorous stirring or stirring (vortex). An electric stirrer with a 3-Blade propeller can be used for better mixing. Try to avoid creating too many bubbles. SilverClear solution should be stored in a bucket, in a cool and dry environment, and avoid strong ultraviolet radiation.

    2. It is forbidden to expose to the sun or place in high temperature.
    欢迎来到海宁赫尔普生新型材料有限公司网站, 具体地址是浙江省嘉兴海宁市经编产业园区经都二路18号6层609室,老板是王艳。 主要经营纺织相关产品。 单位注册资金单位注册资金人民币 1000 - 5000 万元。 我公司供应纺织前处理助剂,染色助剂,后整理等,产品质量可靠,价格优惠,可根据客户要求加工生产,欢迎咨询订购!